Toilet Overflow Water Damage Cleanup Dallas

It’s scary when a toilet overflows or starts spewing sewage into your home. Don’t worry— we’re here to help.

Our toilet overflow water damage cleanup experts are available 24/7 and serve the entire Dallas metroplex.

When we arrive at your doorstep, our crews will quickly stop the overflow, clean up the mess, get rid of odors, and sanitize any affected areas.

Our certified toilet overflow cleanup crews will return your home back to a clean, safe, and odor-free environment.

Call (214) 643-8844 for immediate service now!


The first thing you should do is call a trusted sewage cleanup company.

Yes, most homeowners can handle a small overflow. However, if your toilet is spewing feces or raw sewage you need professional help.

The water from the toilet can contain bacteria or contaminants that can make you sick if you’re exposed to them.

With that said, there are steps you can take to stop the overflow, minimize the damage and protect your home.

Step 1: Evacuate the Area

If there is sewage water present, evacuate children, seniors, and pets from the affected area.

Step 2: Shut off the Water

The quickest way to stop the overflow is to go straight for the water supply valve that supplies your toilet with water.

The water supply valve is usually located behind the base of your toilet. It’s connected to the wall and the base of your toilet and is usually shaped like a football. Turn the valve clockwise to shut off the toilet until it can’t turn anymore.

Step 3: Clean Up the Water (If It’s Not Sewage)

You may start cleaning up the water if it isn’t a major sewage overflow.

If there is a small amount of feces present, you may start cleaning up the water. However, you’ll need to wear protective equipment, like gloves, and thoroughly wash your hands afterward.

Step 4: Start the Drying Process

Open the windows to begin the drying process. This will help remove odors and prevent mold growth.

You can also open up the cabinets to allow for more air circulation.

Step 5: Use Bleach

Pour a small amount of bleach and thoroughly wash all areas that were touched by the toilet water.

This helps with sanitization and prevents bacteria from spreading.

Step 6: Remove Items

Begin removing dry items to an unaffected area inside or outside of the home.

Step 7: Document the Water Damage

Quickly take photos or videos of the malfunctioning toilet and any water-damaged items, like flooring, drywall, and valuables. This will help during the claims process later on.

Will Insurance Cover Water Damage From a Toilet Overflow?

Many websites are quick to tell you “no”, but the real answer is that it depends.

Most home insurance policies cover water damage from “sudden and accidental” causes. This means insurers will cover the costs, if, for example, your toilet malfunctions or overflows.

However, many standard insurance policies will not cover the costs if the water damage resulted from a lack of maintenance.

Let’s say you noticed your upstairs toilet was leaking water through the ceiling and ignored it. Now, after six months, you finally decide to handle the issue and make a claim. In this scenario, they will likely deny your claim.

If you have any questions about the insurance process or need help filing a claim, call us now. We negotiate with insurance companies all the time and know how to get you the most for your losses.


The Average Cost of Toilet Overflow Water Damage Cleanup

Every water damage scenario is different, so, unfortunately, there is no standard cost for toilet overflow water damage cleanup or repairs.

First, you might need to address the plumbing problem that’s causing the issue. The national average cost for toilet repairs is around $130-$300.

The cost of cleaning up and drying after a toilet overflow (non-sewage) is around $3,000.

Again, the above prices are a rough estimate. The costs can be lower or higher depending on several factors, such as the type of water present and whether home repairs are necessary.

To help you understand the costs, we’ve put together a list of factors that water damage restoration companies use to determine the final bill.

Cost Factor #1: Water Contamination Level

Restoration companies categorize water by the level of contaminants it contains. When it comes to toilet overflows, you’re likely dealing with grey water or black water.

  • Clean water ($3.75 per square foot): This water poses no threat and is the cheapest to remove. Examples include broken or leaking pipes.

  • Grey water ($4.50 per square foot): This water contains bacteria or chemical contaminants and can cause illness if dealt with improperly. Examples include toilet overflows with bowls containing urine or water spills from appliances.

  • Black water ($7 per square foot): This source of water is highly unsanitary and is the most costly to remove as it involves special training and equipment. Sewage back-ups and toilet overflows with bowls containing feces fall into this category.

Cost Factor #2: Volume & Square Footage of Water

The volume of water and how far it spread is another cost factor. For example, cleaning up a small leak that was contained within the bathroom is cheaper than cleaning up an overflow of water that spread to several rooms.

Cost Factor #3: The Extent of Damage

The extent of the water damage is another obvious cost factor. Cutting out and repairing a small area of flooring much less expensive than reconstructing an entire bathroom.

Cost Factor #4: Type of Repair Materials Involved

The type of repair materials will also affect the price. For instance, if you need to repair specialty items, like bathroom cabinets or wood floors, it’s going to cost a lot more than repairing basic structural materials, like drywall or tile.